
A Small Donation Makes a Huge Difference

One of the greatest joys of being a parent is watching our kids find and follow their passions. Time seems to fly by so quickly, one day we are sending them off on that first day of kindergarten and in a blink of an eye they are walking across the stage to accept their high school diplomas. Most, if not all, kids have bumps in the road throughout this journey but their path beyond high school is always attainable and in their sight. For others, their dreams, through no fault of their own, are suddenly put on hold. All their plans halt as their bodies and minds have to work overtime just to survive.

These kids we are talking about are pediatric stroke and acquired brain injury survivors. These kids have no choice but to stop life as they know it and put all their strength into fighting for their lives. Achieving Beyond Brain Injury Charitable Foundation (“ABBI”) was started by families of two of these very strong survivors. Inspired by watching their children overcome impossible and devastating odds, their passion to make a difference drove them create a foundation to spread awareness and celebrate kids like theirs.

There are so many different types of scholarships based on so many different criteria but none that honour the courage and power these strong survivors have, not only to fight for their lives which in itself is truly an incredible accomplishment but to have the drive and perseverance to return to school and continue on their path to success. ABBI wants to give these kids a hand as they take that next step into post secondary education and award them for beating the odds and fighting with everything they have to continue to follow their dreams.

We are asking you to join us in honouring these kids by donating any amount you can to the Achieving Beyond Brain Injury Scholarship Fund. Any amount you can give would be greatly appreciated not only by ABBI but each and every strong survivor awarded the scholarship. You are making a meaningful difference in these kids’ lives.

We are currently accepting e-transfers at If you would like to receive a tax receipt for your donation, please provide your full name and full physical address on the form below and submit. Once your donation has been received by e-transfer we will send you your tax receipt by email.

We thank you for your support.

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ABBI Charitable Foundation

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